State contract No. 16.526.11.6010 of 28.10.2011.
Federal target program "Research and development in priority areas of development of Russia's scientific and technological complex for 2007-2013"
The executor: the federal state budgetary educational institution of the higher vocational training «Tambov state technical university» (TSTU)
Amount of financing: 142 million rubles.
The volume of extrabudgetary funds: 142 million rubles.
Industrial partner: OJSC "Prodmash" (Rostov-on-Don)
Term of performance of works: 28.10.2011 - 31.12.2013.
Head of work: Ph.D. Isyomin R.L.
1 - loading platform, 2 - coarse grinder, 3 - hopper with filter, 4 - bunker for raw (unannulated) granules, 5 - annealing reactor for granules, 6 - hopper for finished annealed pellets
Energotechnological complex, created when performing R & D