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R & D "Patent research and development of a preliminary design for a complex pilot plant for the preliminary heat treatment of pellets made from low-calorie and low-reaction solid fuels (sludge, coal) and crop waste (straw)", under the Subsidy Agreement No. 14.616. 21.0029
Customer: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the…
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Research work on the topic: "Development of technical solutions and equipment for the combustion of granulated biofuel in district heating boilers" State contract No. 02.516.11.6199 of 26.06.2009.
The executor: the state educational institution of the higher professional education "Tambov state technical…
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ОКР «Разработка экспериментального стенда для исследования сжигания мелкодисперсной биомассы в кипящем слое инертного материала»
Заказчик: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Малые газопоршневые ТЭС»
Срок выполнения: 14.10.2013…
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Research research work on the topic: "Search for the optimal technology for the production of fuel and thermal energy from crop waste". State contract with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. P1242 of 07.06.2010.
The executor: the state educational institution of the higher professional education "Tambov state technical…
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Research work on the topic: "Development of a technology for co-incineration of biomass and watered coal waste in the fluidized bed of inert material in low-capacity boiler plants (up to 4 MW). State contract with the Federal Agency for Education No. P1661 of September 15, 2009.
The executor: the state educational institution of the higher professional education "Tambov state technical…